Bathroom renovations in Toronto – sequence of works


Many home masters do not know where to begin a bathroom renovations and in what sequence to perform such work. We have prepared a detailed and clear instruction manual.

We start bathroom renovations with our own hands – the first steps.

The room where we accept water procedures is considered very specific. There is always serious humidity and temperature fluctuations, and large volumes of water are poured in it. It is clear that to renovate such a room must be selected special materials that can withstand all the negative impacts. For decoration of the room of interest to us usually choose:

  • panels made of plastic;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiles (for wall and floor decoration).

These materials have the required qualities that allow them to operate in a room where there is steam and high temperature.

In addition, the bathroom should have a special atmosphere that promotes relaxation. So, you need to think over the design of this room and choose the right color scheme. Most often, the bathrooms are made in pastel colors that do not irritate the person, but on the contrary, calm his nervous system after a busy day. Professional designers recommend decorating bathrooms with products in beige, blue, peach, and blue shades.

Thus, the bathroom renovations in Toronto should begin with a design project, selection and purchase of the required materials. At this stage, you will need to provide a lot of details and purchase a lot of different products, ranging from sewer pipes and adhesives for tile installation and ending with locking fittings and towel dryers.

Now you need to decide on the scope of work and make a plan for their implementation. The sequence of independent bathroom renovations, as a rule, such:

  • Preparation of the room to carry out renovations.
  • Analysis of the existing flooring and choice of technology for its restoration or complete replacement.
  • Repair of the floor, its insulation and waterproofing.
  • Installation of sewers and water pipes.
  • Laying electrical wiring.
  • Plastering the ceiling and wall surfaces, their lining with the selected material and insulation.
  • Installation of an effective ventilation system.
  • Installation of sanitary equipment.

The given sequence will allow you to spend a minimum of time to make the room for water procedures ideal.

Bathroom preparation – step-by-step plan. Bathroom renovations in Toronto.

Where to start preparing the described room for its complete transformation with your own hands? Of course, with the removal of all plumbing installed in it, as well as furniture (if any), lighting fixtures, mirrors and hinged structures. If you are doing a complete bathroom renovations, be sure to remove faucets and taps.

After that, start removing old finishing materials. Remove the cladding from the walls and ceiling, knock down the ceramic tiles (along with a layer of glue that held it), wash off the paint. If you have a perforator, the preparation of the bathroom for a good renovation is much faster – dare to knock down from the ceiling and walls all that comes off. Your task is to get to the brick or panel wall masonry and floor slabs.

After such actions you will need to level the walls in the bathroom, which you “exposed”, and carefully treat them with primers. You should choose them wisely. Do not forget that now there are a variety of primers – bioprotective, hydrophobic, contact, increasing adhesion and strengthening.

If you do not know what kind of primer you should buy, be sure to consult with a specialist. The real help in this matter is often provided by consultants of good construction stores.

The next step in bathroom preparation is to inspect the flooring. When the old tie has shown itself during the operation only from the best side, leave it. If the tie has clearly served its purpose, it should be removed.

This operation is performed with a perforator with a chisel. With these tools you can also remove the previous cement substrate under the tile. An important point! If you don’t touch the old binder, it is better to clean the carpet pad with a circular saw with a peeling cup (usually called a diamond cup).

The cost of such a device is quite high. But it is always useful to a master who does all the work at home with his own hands.

Now you can sweep away all the dirt and garbage and start the repair work directly.

Installation of new screed and waterproofing of the floor with your own hands

It is recommended to make a screed with a solution consisting of the following components:

  • sieved quartz sand;
  • cement ;
  • PVA emulsion;
  •  water.

The ratio of cement to sand – 1 to 4. Knead as much water as cement. It is most convenient to form a tie with your own hands using marker beacons. Mixture is applied in a layer of about 4-5 cm, rubbed with a building rule, after which it must be carefully smoothed to a perfect state (no cracks, ripples and other defects).

Very important! Made tie based on sand and cement can not touch 40 days. During this time, no work can be done in the bathroom.

Waterproofing room with high humidity is best done with polyester or waterproofing materials. Do not use for these purposes, the usual waterproofing film. Waterproofing material is laid as carefully as possible, the joints between its individual parts are connected in two ways:

– The construction hair dryer.

– Sticky mastic, which has a special composition.

On the walls of the waterproofing get centimeters of 25-30. Note that in the corners of the room is not allowed to have waterproof film cuts. It is better to bend the insulation material, make folds. But in no case do not cut the film.

Installation of pipelines and laying of electrical wiring. Bathroom renovations in Ontario.

It is almost impossible to see open sewerage pipelines in a house these days. Such communications spoil the whole view of the bathroom, reduce to nothing all the tricks of designers. Strolling walls in order to hide the pipes is also not an option. This procedure is very tiresome, dusty and really long.

For this reason, sewers are now most often installed using a special method – they are bundled down and then masked with galvanized slopes. The latter can then be easily glued with a silicone tile (facing). The silicone composition is also used for fixing the slope from the floor surface and to the wall.

Unfortunately, quality bathroom renovations can not be done without strobing. In any case, you will need to make two strobes for cases when a separate mixer is installed on the washbasin, or one if a common mixer is used. One thing is soothing – the length of the strobe will be minimal. In addition, they are placed vertically.

Hitting them with your own hands is relatively easy, which is not the case with horizontal strobes.

For a towel dryer is desirable to install metal plastic pipes. Other options in our days is not worth looking for. Such tubular products are ideal for use. They can be easily bent, cranking up a slope, using transition fittings.

But for a cold water system in the bathroom more suitable polypropylene pipes (PPN). They can be easily welded into a solid and reliable monolithic structure and then hidden in walls. It is worth saying at once that it is desirable to buy fittings for such pipes made of solid plastic.

It is not reasonable to use metal reinforcement elements. They can leak at any time. But the sealed plastic will never let water pass.

Installation of the pipeline should begin with the installation of sewer pipes. Using sealant and seals you will spend no more than one day on their assembly. After that, safely install polypropylene products for cold water and braze them. Be sure to blow the assembly foam pipes in the pipes.

This way you can be sure that the pipeline will not mist up. And heat loss in this case will be significantly reduced. Follow the recommended pipe installation sequence and the bathroom renovation will go faster.

Electrical wiring is done with a cable protected by a double insulation layer. It is desirable to place the wire in a metal or plastic corrugation. It is better to use a jacket made of metal, as it perfectly shield the wiring.

Next steps – a step-by-step plan. Bathroom renovations.

Once you have understood the communications, begin to process the wall surfaces.

Plastering of walls is performed by two compositions – starting (it has a high tenacity) and finishing. The latter perfectly aligns the treated surface. Plastering is necessary from ceiling to floor.

Next stages of bathroom renovations:

– Insulation and ceiling cladding. Thermal insulation is recommended in the form of a cake consisting of two glass-magnesium sheets and a heater placed between them. The lining can be made with a wagon (plastic) or laminated boards, which are fixed to the ceiling with building silicone or a strong assembly adhesive.

– Laying tiles on the floor. The sequence of operations is as follows – mount the products on the adhesive, starting from the door, each tile is tapped with a hammer (rubber). All cut rows should be laid in the last place and after the adhesive composition under the other rows is completely frozen.

– Facing the walls. It is produced by plastic panels, porcelain stoneware, ordinary tiles.

The last stages of work – cleaning the ventilation box (or installation of a new one), installation of the sink, bath (cabins for showers), mixers. If you were able to do all the previous operations, the placement of plumbing will pass you without difficulty. There are no special wisdom here.

Here, in principle, and the entire phased plan for the independent bathroom renovations in Ontario. You just need to start its implementation and after a while enjoy the new look of your room for water procedures. You can also contact the company “Captain Handy” which will do everything quickly and efficiently.

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